Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Early Riser: Want to make money? Become a doctor

ood Morning

The headlines:

* The ongoing debate about rising health care costs not withstanding, a new study by the Kansas Department of Labor indicates that doctors are bringing in the highest wages in the state. The Wichita Eagle reports doctors made an average of of $104 per hour, far exceeding the state average of $18.10.

* Earlier this summer, officials in Lenexa thought eliminating crossing guards at seven elementary schools could be an effective way to save money in a tight budget year. But the Kansas City Star reports parents of students at those schools didn't think it was such a good idea, forcing officials to re-evaluate the concept.

* The Kansas City Business Journal finally has some good economic news. According to an economic forecast by IHS Global Insight, the Kansas City area economy will fully recover from the 2011, far better than St. Louis, which won't recover until 2014.

* Things are a little less green in Baldwin City after authorities there charged two Baker University students for growing marijuana in their home. The Lawrence Journal-World reports police found 28 marijuana plants and grow lights in the pair's house.

* In another comparative story, Kansas City isn't a great place to raise kids, but it isn't a bad place either. KSHB-TV41 reports on a ranking from Children's Health Magazine listing Kansas City at 50 out of 100 cities in the list, far better than St. Louis, which came in at 72, but not as good as Burlington, VT.

* My colleague Nick Sloan might use this as an example not to get married, but if you ever wanted to know the ins and outs of a baby shower, local blogger Carrie...On The Cheap has your back.

Another green alert air quality day today.

Have a splendid Wednesday!

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